
Gina Joy Carano began her career as a Muay Thailand fighter and was named The Female Face of MMA. Her career began as a Muay Thai fighter, and later was crowned as The Face of women's MMA. Her Muay Thai records are amazing 12 wins, with only one loss. She is also the first American woman to take home an award at the national level in Thailand with Muay Thai. Growing up she did jazztap, ballet, gymnastics and horseback riding. School saw her excel at volleyball and softball basketball. She also has a background in Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling. Seven victories and one loss make up her MMA career. She's an important MMA icon because of her fighting skills as well as her calming personality as well as her stunning appearance. She has acted as an actor in Hollywood blockbusters, including Haywire, Fast & Furious 6' as well as various other Hollywood smashes. The career of her was frequently criticized because of her sexual attraction. The harshest criticisms could not dampen her enthusiasm and her fans never stopped showering her love. Her undisputed talent, her toughness and perseverance make her an inspiration to many.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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